Dark Mysteries - Coming Soon Release of English version of Dark Mysteries is expected to be soon. Official beta testing has ended. Approximately it will take less or more than couple weeks to correct mistakes and bugs detected by our beta testers. Special thanks go to the people who helped to translate Dark Mysteries and they are: Xardas Bruder, Zelazko, Beliar, Bela, Molka, hwep, Luke, Rider, Aeskel, Vedymin, rathgar, Ojciec Dyrektor, Varrok, The Snajper, Frodo. Also congratulation go to the people from World of Gothic forum board who contributed to quality of English translation and they are: diego_pmc, Korianus, Xardas 2008, Noneimportant and, Altair-AoD.
Tylko idiota problem rozwi?zuje komend? format c: Nie jestem pesymist?, jestem optymist? z do?wiadczeniem !