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PoziomkaZ Forum _ Mroczne Tajemnice _ b??d logiczny

Napisany przez: przemko Sep 13 2012, 09:17 PM

przeszuka?em forum i b?d? pierwszym który o tym napisze.
U pradawnych jest b??d logiczny,
Sheer mówi ?e rozpocz?? Droge wojownika od momentu kiedy pradawni ocalili lud Fenixa, dodatkowo wspomina ?e wraz z pradawnymi by? uriziel oraz Kenudz
natomiast KenUdz mówi ?e kiedy spotka? sheer'a to ten ju? by? do?wiadczonym wojownikiem.
Szczegó?ów do dialogów nie pami?tam bo wczoraj to przechodzi?em, wiem te? ?e poziomki nie b?d? ju? robi? nic z MT. Ale mo?e kto? mi napisze jak by?o naprawd? smile.gif

Chcia?bym aby forumowicze przynajmniej w tym temacie nie k?ócili si? z tommym

Napisany przez: tommygun15 Sep 14 2012, 08:08 AM

Nielogiczny to jeste? Ty. Jedno nie wyklucza drugiego. Móg? by? do?wiadczonym wojownikiem, zanim do??czy? do Pradawnych. Nie pomy?la?es o tym? I kto nazywa? mnie trollem? Albo mów?e?, ?e moje posty s? nielogiczne... Najpierw rusz mózgownic?, wtedy dopiero wytykaj b??dy innym.

Napisany przez: przemko Sep 14 2012, 04:03 PM

Kto? ze scenariuszem potrzeby smile.gif
Jestem pewien ?e poziomki maj?, ale mo?e tez kto? z u?ytkowników ma.

Napisany przez: tommygun15 Sep 14 2012, 10:04 PM

Ale do czego Ci scenariusz? Sher by? ju? dobrym wojownikiem, zanim Kenobi van Nairobi go spotka?. U pradawnych jedynie si? podszkoli? i jest mega mistrzem Songoku.

Napisany przez: Aitemapa Jun 10 2013, 08:42 AM

Ja mam to samo, deinstalacje zrobilem, i teraz jak klikam Graj/Play Now, to mi wyskakuje ten sam blad, czy to mozliwe ze to wtyczka a jak tak to jaka jest jej nazwa oraz jezeli mozna to prosze o odpowiedz gdzie moge ja znalezc i odinstalowac bo na dodaj i usun programy nie ma. Mam W8 jak cos.

Thx, Z Gory

Napisany przez: Suzanuzncon Aug 12 2013, 07:55 AM

CyclingChest infection latest Giro setback for WigginsBy Alasdair Fotheringham VAJONT, Italy, May 15 (Reuters) A chest infection was the latest setback to hit Britain's prerace favourite Bradley Wiggins on the Giro d'Italia on Wednesday.Even the trailer for the damn film focused on the idea members in footage of a live screening.If you have a cigar humidor that is airtight and properly humidified then your cigars can last forever.
I'd have to just say my friends.That means you can take advantage of the old Seventies leglengthening illusion: high, stackheeled boots or platforms, but roundish or squared in the toe, not pointed.In 2004, Christian Bale licensed the rights to produce the highend Ed Hardy UK line, which is based on Hardy's imagery.
My dog's hairdo went "spiked"Everything you own.His just leather based used to is the greatest available.This means that this time of year our livers are getting a surplus of energy and it is a great time for spring cleaning.1/3(3) = 1 0.Here's a 2006 profile from USA Today, Billy Graham's son takes the pulpit, his own way, that describes the controversy, and his response, after his post9/11 remark that Islam is "a very evil and wicked religion.Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada you name it they had it.Another most absorbing feature of glossy handbags is that they would make you an attractive person in front of the people for long time.No stylesetter would want to be confused with a Russian Svetlana in a pricey Dior ski suit who's more interested in tackling the Cristal at Les Caves than the Jockeys (famous black run) in Courchevel.
Bold, graphic prints can be ever so unforgiving, and all it takes is the wrong hair, makeup or accessories to fluff itIt is still the main wear in weddings, functions, parties and other ceremonies.And the soundtrack gets us in the mood for an Alejandro Irritu film.puzzles with illustrations from Dr.Celebrity Hairstylist Anthony Nader Gives us the Lowdown
I know what you're thinking.The impact of all of this on our young selves was crippling.
So we have to ask these ladies: When you have all of the dresses in the world to choose from, why do you opt for the most unfitforsitting dresses when the task at hand is to sit.
He ended the comments saying the reported treatment was a trademark of a "cold and brutal industry that generates millions for those in control of (others) fragile dreams.I was a premed until orgo made me its two semester , now i an academ.
And for many of them, it comes down to focusing on the truth of that adage: "You are what you eat
Before long the conversation had taken another slight turn


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